Musique: Songs for Parlour and Stage

Musique: Canadian Songs for Parlour and Stage, with Gloria Jean Nagy, Carleton Sound CD-1011 (2006).

The text of Albert Lozeau’s poem, Musique, published in the collection L’Ame solitaire (Montreal 1907), refers to music being used to enhance the words of religion, patriotism, and the expression of a whole range of human emotion. This recording of songs drawn from the publications of the Canadian Musical Heritage Society, CMH volumes 3, 7, 10, 12, and 14 reflect all of those areas. …The first examples of music written for a solo voice with accompaniment by a named Canadian composer are from operas by Joseph Quesnel (1749-1809). This recording includes the two airs sung by the heroine of Colas et Colinette (1789). …To conclude this recording a selection of songs from the range of operas and operettas produced in Canada during the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century has been chosen.


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